Q&A With Danielle Moss
June 19, 2023
A few years ago, we had the chance to collaborate with designer and blogger Danielle Moss to create our Blue Florals & Stripes mat. With one side featuring a delicate blue floral design, and the other side featuring classic stripes, this mat was an instant hit. Those who are familiar with Danielle will know that this design is exactly the essence of who she is—stylish, elegant, and thoughtful. Those who haven’t heard of Danielle will at least recognize the names of the two lifestyle blogs she co-founded—The Everygirl and The Everymom. With a combined nearly 1.5 million followers on Instagram, these two blogs are the must-read resources for women all over the world looking for guidance in every aspect of their lives from career and style to relationships and motherhood.
To put it simply, Danielle Moss is a powerhouse. She’s an entrepreneur, a writer, a designer, and—most importantly—a mom. After her daughter, Margot, was diagnosed with leukemia in 2020, she dropped everything to devote her full attention to Margot’s recovery. Fast forward a few years later, and Danielle is still doing what she does best: creating content, parenting her littles, and helping others. Blue Florals & Stripes originally launched in 2021, and we are so excited that this very special design is available again for those who missed it the first time around. In honor of this mat’s relaunch, we spoke to Danielle about what inspires her and how she’s navigated the past few years with so much strength and grace.

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do?
DM: My name is Danielle, I'm a mom of 3, and I’m currently creating content full-time on my blog and Instagram. It's been a bit of a whirlwind couple of years. I co-founded two women's lifestyle blogs, The Everygirl and The Everymom, as well as shopanecdote.com. When my daughter got sick, I stepped away from everything to get her through almost 800 days of treatment. I stepped down at Anecdote since I just wasn't able to give it what it deserved, and eventually sold my half of The Everygirl, and made the return to blogging full-time. I wish things had gone differently with Anecdote in the end (in terms of my involvement), but leaving my old site(s) was such a good change for me. I basically went from managing two lifestyle blogs to just my own, and now I have more time with my family–which grew this year. I started a support group that has helped almost 74 people, and I've also been able to devote some time to fundraising and amazing collaborations like this one. We've raised almost $300,000 for Alex's Lemonade Stand, and another $100,000 for our hospital's pediatric oncology department and other services (like parking passes) to help families in treatment. Almost $400,000—it's pretty surreal.
Q: You came up with the concept for our Blue Floral & Stripe mat. What was the inspiration behind this design?
DM: I already had a Toki Mat in my home and loved the function and design—it is one of my favorite products for babies and kids. But, I had this vision and really wanted something blue and white. So, I emailed Eli and asked if she might want to collaborate. I loved the idea of a design that felt like something that really fit in my home, and worked for both a boy or girl (stripes and florals). Everything came together so perfectly—she was wonderful to work with, and I've loved having the design in my home since.
Q: Your daughter was diagnosed with leukemia in 2020, during a time of global tumult and chaos. Can you tell us a little bit about what that was like?
DM: There is never a good time for a leukemia diagnosis, and the pandemic made it significantly worse. My first hug post-diagnosis was with my OB (I was 34 weeks pregnant at the time) and she was in full PPE. We weren't able to hug friends or family, or have any help without some serious planning (2 weeks of full isolation, so we only saw my mother-in-law and two close friends). No one else came into our home or around our kids until summer 2021. We were so isolated, and watching Margot go through treatment was as awful as you'd imagine. It was so lonely and scary. The pandemic made it feel especially dark and lonely. The fear of Margot getting sick when her immune system was so compromised was beyond terrifying. I was in such a horrible place and felt broken for a long time.
But, we're now almost one year off chemo and Margot is thriving. We're in a new house with a new baby and can live normally. It's not magically over, but it feels like something that happened in an alternate universe, in a way. Life is so different now. Seeing her do completely ordinary things with her full head of curls is such a gift.
Q: You’ve had a long, impressive career in such a short time, and you’re a mom of 3. Since 2020, has your perspective on work-life balance changed?
DM: I don't actually think my perspective changed all that much, but the way I am living is much more in-line with that perspective now. A difficult medical diagnosis plus a pandemic will force you to stop living in a way that doesn't line up with your values. I don't think that there's a perfect balance, and the reality is that there's a ton of privilege in being able to even consider balance or choose when or how you work. I have loved having flexibility to spend more time with my kids and, really, to work the way I want to.

Q: As the co-founder of The Everygirl and The Everymom, what inspired you to start those websites?
DM: I really wanted a place on the internet where women could feel connected and inspired. Sometimes, when things grow, they grow beyond your original vision. I never wanted to manage a dozen employees or take on tons of sponsored content. A big team and partnerships are a good thing, but it took getting there to know it wasn't for me. It feels so good to be able to do what I used to do, but on a smaller, more intimate scale.
Q: Have you always loved fashion and design? Where does that passion come from?
DM: Yes, although it took a while to really find my personal style, which has definitely evolved over the years. I think it's just in me. I used to draw my dream room and future home’s floor plans when I was little.
Q: Do you have any mantras that you live by?
DM: It may be simple, but be kind. That is what we talk about the most in our house—and it's kindness that the world needs most. It's kindness that would solve almost every big problem. If we were kinder to one another and to our planet, the world would be a better place. And if there is someone in your life who doesn't treat you well, or even someone you follow on social media who doesn't bring joy into your life, move on. Only let the good in. Life is too short for anything else.
Q: Can you tell us a little bit about each of your children and their personalities? How has it been adjusting to life as a family of 5?
DM: I know it's my job to think this, but they really are the most amazing little people. I'm still getting to know Jack who is just under 2 months, so I can't really say too much about him. He's cute and snuggly, and has the sweetest little smile.
Kate is a little firecracker, and such a love bug. She's almost 3 and kind of a rollercoaster—the perfect mix of sweet and spicy. So loving, a great dancer, and loves to make us all laugh, and she's really bold, too. A recent favorite moment happened when her big sister was talking over her. She very loudly said "LET ME TALK!" and finished sharing her story with us. And she's almost 3. But really, she's so loving, kind, and extremely funny. Always gentle with her baby brother and saying "You're the best baby ever, Jack." And she tells me she loves me "sooo much" at least a handful of times a day. She came into our lives during such an awful time, and brought so much joy. She has always been our ray of light.
And Margot. She is so smart, creative, and inquisitive. I cannot really believe all she's been through in less than 5 years, and none of it broke her incredible spirit. I think about where she was two years ago and can't believe how far she's come. The way she processed everything she went through and never let it define her. She was so isolated and missed out on so much, and jumped into school at age 4 as if she never missed a moment. She's everyone's friend, will talk to anyone (and does!), loves to dance and make people laugh. She has best friends, is so outgoing, so smart, and as I've always told her, a good friend to everyone. She will get lost in her drawing, writing, or taking photos for hours. There's not a day that goes by that I am not in complete awe of her.

About the Author: Alice
Alice Mendoza is a copywriter and blog writer based in Los Angeles. She began writing for a baby brand while on maternity leave, and realized she had found her niche. Today, she writes exclusively within the baby space, using her BFA in Creative Writing and her own experience as a mother to guide her. When she’s not working, you can find her chasing down her toddler, going on walks around the neighborhood, or watching reality TV.